ברוכים הבאים !
Welcome !
Y.M Studio
Graphic Design & Illustration

To whom it may concern,
I never gave or sold ANY of my ORIGINAL drawings. So if ANYONE tells you that they have my permission to use them,
it isn't the truth.
Ayelet H. Zimmerman.

A few samples of illustrations by Ayelet, including their publication

"up up & away" by Ayelet, 1998
see comment at the bottom with regards to this illustration.
"unique-horn", one colour
Ayelet, 2003
"untamed & free" by Ayelet, 2004
it was done specifically
for the front page of the magazine: Wake Up India.

"elf-Land stories" by Ayelet, 1998
inspired by a country scene in Derbyshire, UK, - near the Derwent river.

"unique-horn" in colours by Ayelet, 1998

"Red deer by a mountain stream",
pastel pencils, by Ayelet, March 2020

"the mushroom house" by Ayelet, 1998
A few samples of publications that used Ayelet's Illustrations

This book cover design used an old illustration of Ayelet. The book was published in approx. 2003 by TPH.

This illustration by Ayelet was paid for by an author of a new children book. It was submitted as a sketch, as a general idea. and eventually wasn't used in the book. Was done in 2008.
A Jewish Marriage Blessing framed picture
by Ayelet, 2015.
This is almost the final framed version. Unfortunately I do not have a photo of the final illustration, after it was framed.
What is missing here on this particular version, are the leaves on the two trees and there are also a few other features that were added later and that are missing from this version. But it gives a general idea of the direction of the project.
The text that was added to the original illustration is accurate. That's what appeared on the final version.
This lavender colour illustration is quite
an old one. It was done with pastel
crayons and pastel pencils in 1997 and
later on converted into a few colour
versions, in order to create from it a
colourful set of greeting cards.
a few weeks ago I took a photograph
of it with my cell phone, so its not very
sharp... still its nice to have a record of
it online. Originally it was in turquoise.
The inspiration for this illustration came
after reading a comment made by Dora Van
Gelder Kunz about two separate streams of
spiritual evolutions:
- The 1st one : from mammals to humans to adepts and later on to archangels and onwards
- The 2nd one : from birds to sylphs to nature spirits and later on to archangels and onwards
I am writing this now from memory, so the details may be slightly different, but the idea that there are two separate streams - is what she was talking about. And at the time - I was happy on behalf of the birds.... because they don't get involved with us so much... And I was hoping that their path upwards is more in line with the cosmic plan. Hence the illustration.
I even bought a bird-table - for feeding them, and installed it in the garden, during that time, when reading her books, when I lived in the Peak District in Derbyshire UK, in order to watch them more closely on a daily basis. It was an endless source of inspiration.

This design was printed as a non-conventional business card in 2007. It was also meant to be a magnet, but eventually the idea of printing lots of magnets was dropped. There were quite a few
positive remarks from people about this old business card. The phone no. is no longer correct.
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